Here is an update for Cllr David Snartt re Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, Development.
I attended the Woodhouse Parish Council meeting when the developers gave a presentation on the way forward with the Maplewell Road site. I am sure you are aware this site was allowed for development by an Inspector on appeal.
The representatives requested information from people attending the meeting, their and thoughts on the type of development they would like to see. Therefore, I have taken the opportunity to send my opinion after noting the information contained in the Inspector’s decision notice.
I note within the decision notice: ‘The appellant said the houses now before me were to address an unmet need in the village. To support this contention, the appellant drew upon the Housing Needs Survey undertaken in connection with the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan’.
I note the Housing Needs Survey analysis concluded after a detailed study into current housing needs, that a mixture of 1 to 5 bed houses and 2 and 3 bed bungalows were needed. Therefore, in my view, to meet the unmet need within the village a mix of houses and bungalows should be considered both for affordable and market properties.
This is a most sensitive area of the village, reference again made in the Inspector’s decision notice. Therefore, I believe no 2.5 storey houses should be built on this site. I note that the current adjacent development on Maplewell Road has a mix of 2 storey houses and bungalows.
I will keep residents informed if and when a planning application has been received at Charnwood Borough Council, so that residents will be able to have their say during the consultation process. In my view, it is important that the developers build the right dwellings to meet the needs of the village and respect this sensitive area of the countryside.