A planning application has been submitted to the Charnwood Borough Council planning department for the 'Erection of a two-storey building to provide a new clubhouse, changing rooms and education rooms and associated works to include parking provision and landscaping'
Our main concerns relate to:
- Traffic
- Parking
- Visual Amenity
- Noise Nuisance & Anti-Social Behaviour
- Vehicle Entrance
- Pedestrian Crossing
- Flood Risk Assessment
Paul and Deborah have submitted their comments to Charnwood Borough Council. This can be seen at the end of this post.
Deborah says:
"There is insufficient space for the vehicles arriving at the ground and cars overflow onto all the streets, grass verges, open spaces, and pavements in the area, resulting in the residents being unable to enter or leave their premises without great difficulty. This leads to double parking spreading into King William’s Way, Charles Drive, Link Road, Andrew Road, Fairhaven Road and Rowan Drive, and various other narrow residential streets, not designed to accommodate parked vehicles. This level of parking renders many of the streets from two-way to single-way only. The two proposed new pedestrian accesses are directly onto the footway on the eastern side of Cropston Road. This is the footpath that the majority of drivers fully block when arriving at the club. Therefore, double yellow lines would need to be put in place to prevent both pedestrian entrances from being blocked by vehicles"
Paul says:
"The building is large and will dominate the local area which is predominantly residential. The position and size of the building will appear very overbearing and prominent as it is close to the footpath and Cropston Road. The proposed building is to be in excess of 5 metres boarding the pavement and is totally out of character with the rest of the residential properties on Cropston Road that are all set back from the road with large front gardens. It is not in keeping with the scale, character and appearance of the local area. Putting the building onto the frontage makes the building more prominent and shares no similar characteristics with the surrounding residential area because of its width and its design. It has small ground-floor windows, but the rest of the building uses metal cladding and is not in any way representative of the scale and character of the local buildings. It is difficult to understand how the landscape assessment has come to its conclusion and how it can mitigate the visual impact of the building on the local street scene."
What can I do?
- You can make your thoughts known by commenting on this planning application on the Charnwood Council Planning website which can be accessed here:-
- www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/viewing_or_commenting_on_planning_applications
What if I have already submitted a response and would like to make additional comments?
- You can still submit further comments.
What is the planning application number?
- P/22/0559/2
Can I comment any other way?
- Yes, you can write or email the following addresses:-
- Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Rd, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TN.
- Email: [email protected]
Where can I find out further information?
- Charnwood Planning Portal site gives planning information submitted by the developers and letters from residents
- Remembering to enter the planning application number - P/22/0559/2
We will be constantly updating residents on our Website, Facebook and Twitter