Time is running out for the Member Grants scheme run by Charnwood Borough Council every year. For the 2021/22 financial year, both Paul and Deborah have £500 each to be used to support local projects that will bring benefits to Anstey residents.
Organisations currently running projects with community benefit in Charnwood are invited to apply for a minimum of £250 per councillor, and up to a maximum of £500 per councillor, and applications may be made to more than one councillor. Funding can be provided towards community events, activities, equipment, and uniformed groups such as Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies.
Examples of eligible organisations include:
- Community Groups
- Charities
- Uniformed Groups (e.g. Scouts / Guides / Cubs / Brownies)
- Residents’ associations
- PFA/PTA groups (if they can demonstrate a wide community benefit and not for national curricula activities / items)
- Faith groups (if they can demonstrate a wide community benefit)
Application guidelines can be found here but if you would like to apply for a member grant, please contact either Paul or Deborah in the first instance, to give you further guidance. There is £1,000 available for community groups in Anstey. For more information please visit: https://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/member_grants
If this money is not applied for or used by a local Anstey group, the money will be lost and funds will go back into the pot to use for grants for the wider communities in Charnwood area. Lets make sure we use our grant money locally for the benefit of Anstey residents.
The deadline for applications is 28th February 2022 so time is running out.