The Health and Wellbeing Board brings together organisations responsible for making decisions about health, wellbeing and care services in Leicestershire. This includes the NHS, colleagues from Leicestershire County Council, Healthwatch, the Officer of Police and Crime Commissioner, Police, District and Borough representatives and other agencies with a responsibility for health and wellbeing. The Board plans how best to meet the needs of the local population and tackle health inequalities and we do this through a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Have your say on the Draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 – 2032, which sets out our ambitions and priorities for the next 10 years, and how we aim to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities across Leicestershire.
The Draft Strategy is based on the life course to ensure everyone has opportunity to support their health and wellbeing:
- Best Start For life: To allow our children to have the best start for life, we will prioritise a range of actions covering the broader children’s age range of 0-19years (or 0-25years for Special Educational Needs and Disability)
- Staying Healthy, Safe and Well: Prevention is always better than cure, and good health and wellbeing is an asset to individuals, communities and the wider population. Therefore, we want to give everyone in Leicestershire the opportunity to live happy, healthy, safe and long lives without illness or disease for as long as possible
- Living and Supported Well: As people age, become unwell or develop one or more Long Term Conditions, it is important that they are supported to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible while maximising their quality of life. We will help them live as well as possible for as long as possible.
- Dying Well: End of life is an inevitable part of the life course, but we know that it is a difficult subject for many people to openly acknowledge and discuss. We want to support Leicestershire to understand, normalise and plan for this stage of life to ensure everyone has choice about their care and treatment, and support for loved ones and carers.
For each outcome, we have identified specific priorities which we will focus on achieving, along with regular monitoring of progress and taking feedback from residents and communities. The Draft Strategy in full can be found here
An 8-week public consultation is now open until the 23rd January 2022, seeking feedback on the outcomes and priorities within the strategy.
Have your say on the draft Strategy by filling in the online survey here
Alternative formats
If you're able to, please complete the survey online using the link above. For paper copies of the survey, please email [email protected] or call 0116 305 0705
The closing date to complete the consultation survey is 23rd January 2022.
What happens next
During the consultation, we will receive regular updates on responses received and once the consultation has closed, we will review all of the feedback received from partners, organisations, residents and communities and consider any necessary amendments. Your feedback will help shape the final strategy that is being presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board in February 2022 and a summary of the consultation will be available to view on the County Council’s ‘Have your Say’ Website -
This is only the start of the conversation. We will be providing regular updates on our commitments and outcomes to improve Health and Wellbeing in Leicestershire. At the end of the survey there is an opportunity to leave your email address to be updated on how the work progresses.