We have been contacted in the past few months by local residents of the new Bloor and Jelson estates off Cropston Road, as to the possible provision of a new bus stop closer to the estates for ease of access on the existing 154 bus route, which links our local villages to Leicester and Loughborough.
We are pleased to announce that we have been in talks with the County Council and Centre Bus and they have agreed that an additional stop will be placed nearer to the estates.
The installation will be planned when the next tranche of bus stop upgrades in the area are due to be mapped out. This will mean that the stop will be erected sometime within the next 6 months, but we are assured that we will be prioritised as one of the first upgrades in that tranche. A site survey will be required to ensure that it will be erected in the correct place, with regards to pedestrian and traffic safety.
As soon as we have more information, we will let you know of the timescales for when the work will be completed.