Formal Response to Planning Application No: P/20/2107/2
Cllr David Snartt: 14th December 2020
I wish to ‘call in’ this application for the following reasons:
The application site is outside the limits to development. The proposal is not small scale for the size of Woodhouse Eaves which is in the ‘Other Settlements’ category. The application is not in line with the housing needs of Woodhouse Eaves, both in size and type. The proposal would cause substantive and significant harm to the character and appearance of the landscape and the setting of Woodhouse Eaves. Contrary to the Woodhouse Eaves Village Design Statement and the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Significant harm arising from a large scale development in a ‘lower order’ settlement which lacks the facilities and services, encouraging additional car journeys to ‘Service Centres’ and urban areas. The proposal states 2.5 storey dwellings at the front of the site, totally out of character with existing properties.