There is new planning application proposed for 48 houses to the north of Pollards Road, Anstey.
This is in addition to the 920 houses proposed on land off Groby Road and Bradgate Road.
Both of your councillors are against this proposed development
Deborah says:
“Anstey has already expanded due to recent developments and has had over 660 new homes built in the village since 2011. This has added considerable pressure on our essential services, including our GP Surgery. Anstey is near the A46, A50, and the edge of Leicester. Leicester City’s Local Plan also identifies growth on the edge of Anstey, near to Cropston and Thurcaston. Traffic from these locations is likely to add to the already severe levels of traffic suffered by residents living on that side of Anstey and residents on the city boundary are likely to use The Nook services, further increasing the traffic to the village and The Nook.. The site is nearer to Cropston which has no services so the traffic produced from this site will have a huge impact on the Nook services. We also have the threat of 920 houses proposed on land off Groby Road and Bradgate Road”.
Paul says:
“There is insufficient parking in the village to accommodate shoppers, essential service users, and people needing to park in The Nook car park for the Doctor’s Surgery. The Nook car park currently has 68 standard bays, two parent and child bays and two Blue Badge disabled bays. There are 25 short stay two-hour bays. There are no time limit restrictions on the other bays. The Anstey Co-op public car park has 88 standard bays, four Blue Badge disabled bays, and four parent and child bays. Anstey Parish Council, Cropston Road car park has 15 standard bays and two Blue Badge disabled bays. Anstey has 43 on-street parking bays across the whole village, and this may be reducing further due to a bus stop relocation in the area. A car parking survey was completed in Anstey by Charnwood Borough Council in 2015. It identified that Anstey would need additional car parking facilities within the next 5 years, so by 2020. We have not had any additional parking provided since the survey was conducted in 2015, and over 660 houses have been built since the survey was conducted”.
You councillors seek your support by submitting any comments and concerns to Charnwood Borough Council, focussing your comments on valid material planning considerations.
Examples are:
- Highway and Pedestrian Safety.
- Traffic Capacity on Cropston Road, Anstey Lane and the Nook.
- Extra Vehicles using Cropston Road and Anstey Lane travelling to and from the Proposed Development.
- Impact on the Local Communities of Anstey, Cropston and Thurcaston.
- Impact on our already stretched Local Services.
- Effect on Woodland, Trees and Wildlife.
- Impact on the Unique Character and Appearance of the Area.
- Site Unsustainable, the car would be the main form of Transport.
- Site outside Limits to Development.
- No Bungalows proposed.
- Lack of parking space in the service centre.
- Loss of Agricultural land.
- Concerns over the number of new homes proposed and Anstey becoming over-developed and losing its village character.
How many planning applications in Anstey are there?
- There is currently proposed planning applications for 920 houses in addition to this current planning application for 48 houses.
How many houses are being planned?
- The total proposed is 48 on land off Cropston Road, Anstey.
What can I do?
- You can make your thoughts known by commenting on this planning application on the Charnwood Council Planning website which can be accessed here:-
What if I have already submitted a response and would like to make additional comments?
- You can still submit further comments.
What is the planning application number?
- P/22/1394/2
Can I comment any other way?
- Yes, you can write or email to the following addresses:-
- Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Rd, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TN.
- Email: [email protected]
Where can I find out further information?
- Charnwood Planning Portal site gives planning information submitted by the deveolpers and letters from residents
- Remembering to enter the planning application number - P/22/1394/2
We will be constantly updating residents on our Website, Facebook and Twitter