County Councillor Annual Report
This report summarises the activities of the following member of the County Council during
Name of Councillor: Deborah Taylor
Briefing Note
This form enables you demonstrate to your constituents what you have achieved during the year. The information provided will be published on the County Council’s website. The report will be tailored to the response. For example, briefing notes and any unused boxes will be removed.
1) Electoral Division activities
Briefing Note
Please specify any particular aspect of your work within your electoral division which you would like to draw attention to. This is an opportunity to set out your main activities, priorities, achievements, challenges etc. .which you have been addressing in the past year.
Main Activities and the impact during the past year:
I have dealt with many individual residents’ issues throughout the year and respond to the majority of residents’ telephone calls and emails within two working days. Here are a few of the highlights:
Overseen the implementation of double yellow lines and no loading restrictions on Bradgate Road, Newtown Linford following a public consultation. This was due to road safety issues with parked cars on the road forcing traffic to drive onto the pavement, putting pedestrians at risk. This project had been ongoing for a few years so it was good to bring this issue to completion. I have also overseen the public consultation on double yellow lines on Grey Crescent, Newtown Linford. There were many objections to the proposals that could not be overcome so, working with officers, I decided not to agree to implementation of the proposed scheme. A compromise was reached to have elongated H’s put over the driveways of residents that wanted to protect the entrance to their driveway from being obstructed. Many residents were not happy with this decision and I have had to manage this by spending time listening to residents’ concerns, explaining what could and could not be done and managing their expectations. I also ensured that residents were aware that we would welcome feedback on how the scheme was working and if further work was needed I would ensure that this happened.
Still continuing work on the relocation of the main bus stop on Leicester Road, Anstey. The Highway Authority has drawn up the plans, we have met with the bus operators and we now have the funding in place. I am now waiting for the costings to be produced then we will go out for public consultation. I will continue to manage this project and manage residents’ concerns.
Dealt with various highway issues for planning applications. In particular, the application for 50 houses on Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves. I attended a public meeting held by the developers and also attended meetings with the Parish Council and Residents groups to help support their objections. The application was refused and an appeal has now been lodged.
Worked with Woodhouse Eaves Parish Council for the implementation of the Average Speed Camera trials and ensured that they had the most up to date information from Leicestershire County Council (LCC) as to when they would be switched on and provided the traffic data the Parish Council wanted.
Attended a site visit with an LCC officer at a school in Woodhouse Eaves to monitor traffic and parking issues at school drop off times that were affecting residents to see if any improvements were possible.
Managed to reinstate an old bus stop to bring it back into use. The sign had fallen off the lamp post a few years ago. I got a new sign put back up and ensured that all the bus operators were advised to now stop at the bus stop.
Supported Anstey Community Library through the closure of the Sure Start Centre housed within the library. I also dealt with many enquiries from families about the closure of their Sure Start centres across Leicestershire.
Dealt with residents’ concerns regarding the changes being made to subsidised bus services. This is affecting three different bus services and affects all of the villages in my division.
Spent a considerable amount of time dealing with major highway changes in The Nook, Anstey last year. These works are now complete, but I have received endless complaints about the new lay out. In particular, long queues on one arm of the roundabout and many issues with the safety of the new pedestrian crossings. I have now requested that traffic surveys are completed to assess whether the alterations have delivered what was promised. If not, I will begin work to look at what changes need to be made.
Arranged a meeting with a LCC officer after a resident contacted me about parking on a residential street. There had been problems for many years and nobody had managed to find a solution. Following the meeting, the resident was advised to get all residents on the street to sign a petition. The petition was completed and handed in. A plan was them produced to have some ‘residents only’ parking on the street. This has now gone out for consultation and will hopefully be implemented very soon. This will provide some quality of life to local residents and reduce the stress that they suffer from when trying to park near to their homes.
Engagement with the Council, other statutory bodies and public utility companies (Water, Gas etc) about services in the area
Contact with various departments at LCC for assistance with my case work. Also dealt with various departments at Charnwood Borough Council and Parish Councils within my Division for case work.
Several dealings with MATU (Multi-Agency Travellers Unit) to deal with various travellers’ sites within my Division and concerns over an individual.
Dealt with the police about cows that had escaped from a field onto a children’s play park and LCC about horses that had been blocking a public footpath.
Dealt with various issues regarding BT and Virgin telephone cabinets and boxes and dealt with the relevant companies. Reported many highway defects including uneven footpath, drain covers, potholes, missing signs and sunken and blocked drains.
Attended various information and catch up meetings with officers from the Children and Families Service to gain information and advice and to move projects forward.
Attended a visit to Welbeck Defence College with the Head Master and representatives from Woodhouse Eaves Parish Council and the local Borough Council.
Supported Anstey Community Library by promoting and attending their events.
Dealt with fencing that was erected without planning permission that was on the border of LCC and Leicester City Council. This also involved dealing with the Environment Agency.
Various items of rubbish dumped on the A46.
Dealt with developers regarding maintaining their estates whilst awaiting handovers to the relevant councils. This included rubbish, ground maintenance and dog bins not being emptied.
Priorities for the immediate future are:
Briefing Note This is an opportunity to recognise any issues which may be particularly relevant to the future well being of people within your electoral division.
- Parking and traffic issues in Newtown Linford are ongoing
- The Nook layout in Anstey is ongoing
- Speeding traffic within many of my villages and continued monitoring of the speed camera trials on Forest Road, Woodhouse Eaves
- Nuisance parking within my villages
- Rural Crime, anti-social behaviour and the future of neighbourhood policing
- Supporting all the Parish Councils and Parish Meetings within my Division
2) Council Activities
Briefing Note
Please specify any particular issues of note that you have been actively involved in connected with the following bodies.
Committees you serve on at County Hall
- County Council: I have attended all meetings of the County Council and spoken on several issues
- Children in Care Panel: Important to keep sight of the KPI’s, where LCC were not performing well and the action being taken to ensure our children in care are safe
- Child Protection Panel (Chairman): Important to keep sight of the KPI’s, where LCC were not performing well and the action being taken to ensure that all children were safe and action was taken when needed
- Social Care Panel: This covers the minutes and work of both the Child Protection and Children in Care panels and considers what other issues might need looking into further
- Cabinet Support Member for Children and Families Service: I attend a variety of meetings with partners and LCC within my role and attend a weekly Lead member meeting with the Children and Families Director, Assistant Directors and Lead Member. Other Heads of Service also attend some of these meetings to provide updates
Promoting the welfare of children, promoting elected members Corporate Parent role, promoting Fostering and Adopting recruitment events.
Keeping in touch events with staff and visiting locality hubs including the teams in Coalville, the Child Protection and Strengthening Families team in Loughborough, Child Protection Team at Bassett Street, Supporting Leicestershire Families at Hinckley.
Promoting the needs of Care Leavers and the apprenticeships available.
Supported the launch of the ‘Children and Families Partnership’ and continue to ensure that partners work together to enable children to reach their potential.
Attended the ‘Pride in Practice’ Conference to join 350 frontline staff to share support and practical advice to improve the lives of our young people.
Supported the launch of the ‘Innovation Partnership’ with Barnardo’s. The aim of the partnership is to follow the child from point of entry into children’s services through to them leaving care and to ensure that journey is the most cost effective placement and provides the best support for our children. I also attend the monthly board meetings to monitor progress.
Attended the Virtual School Conference to look at the work they do in supporting and improving Children in Care education and fulfilling their ambitions.
Attend Corporate Parenting Board meetings to speak to the representatives from children in care to ensure they have a voice and they are listened to.
Been involved in the SEND Consultation and ensured I promoted the consultation in my Division.
Been involved with the launch of the new Children and Families Wellbeing Service from April 2019.
Attended the ‘Children in Care Achievement Awards’ celebrating the academic and personal successes for children that have suffered in the past. I supported the Lead Member by having my photo took with every child who won an award.
Visited the CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation Hub) at Wigston Police Station.
Visited the First Response Department at LCC.
Visited Oakfield Short Stay School’s open day and spoke with staff and children to understand more about how the school operates.
Visited the Virtual School to see the work the small team do to support LAC (looked after Children) children and ensure their education needs are met.
Met with the Admissions and Pupil Services to understand the issues they face with pupil school places.
Met with the Fostering and Adoption teams.
Took part in the interview process for the new Assistant Director for Early Years and Education.
Attended the ‘Future in Mind Roadshow’ which was looking at mental health triage for young people.
Attended the Children and Families Service Managers Conference.
Local committees/Outside Bodies
- Bradgate Park and Swithland Woods Committee of Management
- Bradgate Quarries Liaison Committee
- Groby Quarry Liaison Committee
3) Learning and development:
Briefing Note
Please specify any learning and development activities which you have undertaken during the year.
- Training event to understand how to communicate with residents who have hearing problems; learnt some British Sign Language
- ‘Prevent’ Training (part of the Home Office Terrorism Strategy)
- Attended the LGA (Local Government Association) ‘Next Generation’ training program. This was held at Warwick University and included three modules over three separate weekends
- ‘Signs of Safety’ training, used by Social workers to help families move forward following problems they have experienced
- Police Briefing
- Various briefings at County Council to advise on support for elected members
- All Member Briefing - Health and Care
- All Member Briefing – Prospectus for Growth
I attend as many briefing and training events as I can to keep my knowledge up to date.
4) Other Matters:
Briefing Note
This gives an opportunity to include anything else which you think is relevant.
I write and publish a monthly report in ‘Your Local’ magazine that is delivered to all villages within my division: I attend various coffee mornings and events within my division on a regular basis
- I attend village shows and events within my division on a regular basis
- I attend various church services and Remembrance services throughout the year
- I hold regular residents’ surgeries alongside my fellow Borough Councillor and our MP, also attending events with my MP
- I attend Parish Council Meetings and Parish Meetings within my division as often as I can and deliver a report of my activities relevant to their Parish
- I have attended public meetings within my Division when requested and try to respond to residents’ issues and concerns
- I have attended events at LCC including the Flag raising ceremony for the Armed Forces, the Remembrance Service and Fostering Events
- I attend many events at Leicester Cathedral to represent LCC including the Armed Forces Day Service and Parade and the annual County Service
- Supported Parish Council’s in setting up Good Neighbour Schemes and Community Speed Watch Groups
Social Media
Twitter: @CllrDTaylor
Signed by Councillor: D.Taylor
Date: 3rd June 2019